I got to the philadelphia airport around 11:30 for a 2:00 flight. I like to be early so I have enough time for a few beers due to my hatred of being in a small space. Found out at 1:oo due to bad weather (it was seriously just overcast) my flight to san antonio would be delayed and I would miss my connection. This was not a big deal at all because southwestern airlines had a "direst flight"(which i found out wasn't direst at all) that I could catch at 3:30 and it would get me to L.A. at the same time as my original flight. 3:30 came and went and I was still in the philadelphia airport, which wouldn't be a problem cause there actually is a "direct flight" to L.A. at 5:30. 5:30 came and went( you should know by this time i had gotten drunk twice and sobered up twice. there was no way I was drinking again cause my nerves were worn and I was a mess).
8:30 comes and I' m finally boarding my plane, but oh wait, I couldn't for some reason so I was pulled out of line had to go to the customer service, get my ticket scanned so I could go back and get my ticket scanned to get on the plane(do they do this just so they can get use out of their scanners?). Of course leaving said line, would cause me to lose my spot and instead of having an aisle seat, or even a window ... I was in the middle. The flight to phoenix( know you get the other quotes around direct flight) was 4 hours long. 5 and a half hours into the flight they told us that the wind in phoenix was too strong and we had been circling waiting for it to die down and were running out of fuel, therefore, we were diverted to Las Vegas( another hour) to land and get fuel, so we could fly back to Phoenix( an hour) and on to L.A( another hour). Those hours do not count people getting on a and off the plane
Once we landed in vegas we were told that everyone with a destination, other than phoenix had to get off the plane so they could get them to their destination the next morning. Once we were off the plane the announcement was made that if you were flying to L.A. you had to get back on the plane but you had to get your I.D's out(i seriously couldn't make this up).
Two flights later and i was finally on the ground in L.A.. If you wanted to keep track of time it was 3:15 when I landed, seven hours and fifteen minutes after i was supposed to be there. my baggage made it to the airport at 10p.m. I have no idea how it happened, but I was insanely jealous. I woke up to say by to my parents before they left for work at 6 am eastern(i had now been awake for 24 hours and 15 minutes.
David and his friend Tasha picked me up at the airport, and dave proceeded to get lost in la for about an hour( in his defense, he's still working and had to wake up super early the next morning). We made it back to his place at quarter of 5 and i could finally sleep .
I promise this will be my last blog where I complain.
Dude, that shit is brutal. I'm glad you got there safe and sound. I heard my LA peeps took care of you the other day. I hope good times were had by all.